The Climate Change and Environmental Minister, Wilkinson Jonathan, introduced the C-12 Bill, which is entitled the “Net-Zero Emissions Act Accountability in Canada,” on the 19th of November, 2020. The Bill is about the crucial milestone towards the development and success of the climate policy in Canada.
It represents the emission-reduction method taken by the regional, national, and local faith organizations in Canada as they establish a standard baseline to take action in tracking improvements and reducing emissions.
The legislation should also require Canadian authorities to implement an innovative emission reduction plan for the year 2030 during the 6-month duration of having the Bill made as law while setting essential interim goals on 2050 contingency plans.
Sadly, due to some limitations, the initial target date for initiating the plan might still be ten years from now, causing the authorities to be doubtful of its efficacy in 2030.
In partnership with some of our colleagues who are also leading a fruitful faith community, Play against All Odds publicizes a letter which is addressed to Minister Wilkinson, Jonathan, convincing him to pursue the climate liability legislation with utmost punctuality.